I can't believe a month has passed since the last post. Time flies when you stay extremely BUSY! Leah and I spent the 4th in San Antonio on Canyon Lake with The Robinson and a few other old friends. On the way to the lake we had a wonderful, relaxing evening with the Schuerg's on the San Marcos river. I took off to Port A for a 2 day, offshore fishing trip with a few buddies. I had a 5 day, mid-year sales conference in Arizona. Leah's dad was in from Saudi and we were able to have dinner with the family. We went to Austin for a night with the Collier's (expecting 5 days beofre us), then to Waco for the Brown Cousin's Reunion. Thanks to everyone in our great support system of friends, family, and co-workers, we are appreciative of all of you! I especially have to thank Leah's Mom for pinch hitting at one appointment so I could fish, and of course Leah for letting me go.
We are in the 28th week and we've had 7 appointments so far this month. It's exhausting for me, I can only imagine what Leah's body is going through with the physical changes, work, and all of the doctors visits. We've met our Neurologist, Neonatologist, and Fetal Coordinator this month. We toured all of the facilities in the Medical Center including the birthing and delivery center, the level 3 NICU, and the Ronald McDonald house. Most of the appointments were fairly routine, Parker is growing as planned and he is cuter than ever. I keep catching Leah saying, "he is so cute, I can't wait 'till he's out here so I can give him a bunch of kisses."
Leah and I were especially excited about meeting our Neurologist last week. Dr. Gary Clark is the gentleman that would give us more clarity about life after birth and more of the possibilities down the road. We weren't expecting him to give us a potentially different diagnosis on the cause of Parker's Hydrocephalus. The right ventricle is accumulating more fluid than the left (you can see it in the picture on the side bar). Dr. Clark detailed review of the MRI revealed a dark spot in the right side of the brain that could be a cyst. A cyst could protrude into the aqueduct restricting the flow of fluid from the right ventricle more so than the left. In this instance, a cyst in the brain is good news. The diagnosis of a cyst over acqueductal stenosis would rule out the possibility of genetic issues. A cyst requires 2 shunts but the long term prognosis is better. We know this is only a possibility, but it's comforting ending our specialist appointments on an optimistic note. Dr. Clark was impressed with our optimism and said our attitude will go a long way in dealing with any issues that arise.
Recapping the last month reminds me that Leah and I are extremely blessed to have the opportunity to do the things that we do and know the people that we know. The optimistic diagnosis from Dr. Clark and one particular keynote I heard in Phoenix remind me that the potential for us individually, our families and our careers are truly uncapped.
Leah and I continue to remain positive and hopeful that when we do the right things, have the right attitude, and most importantly remain faithful that God is working His plan, we will continue to unveil tremendous opportunities throughout our lives as well as provide a wonderful home for Parker with endless possibilities and opportunity for our son!
I'll post a few photos later since we don't have any appointments this week!!!!!
P.S. There is a really cool Poem that was written by an acclaimed warrior, musician, poet, and not to mention a King. It was published in the number one selling book of all time (appx. 6 billion copies sold) and my Grandmother named me after this guy. His name is David and the poem is located in Psalm 139 v. 13-18. Check it out if you're up for a short read.