Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Right People in the Right Places

I think I'm officially responsible now that I'm 30! Some people greive and mourn with age, but I was sick of my 20s. Yes there were some amzing things that happened in my 20's most notably, I met my beautiful Bride, Leah.  Now I'm excited about starting the family that I've always dreamed of, building the legacy that any Dad wants to put in place, and meet as many wonderful people as I can along the way.

Leah and I both turned 30 this month and it's been an awesome month of celebration! We topped it off with a fabulous weekend on lake conroe with great music, relaxing on the boat, wonderful food, and most importantly great people.

The right people are always in the right place at the right time. Most of you may not know what impact you have, but it is evident to us that every little thing happens for a reason. This ranges from little conversations that are perfectly timed, to meeting new people that have a ton of information, to normal daily conversations where people have the perfect thing to say, to gestures that are so enormous in thought and magnitude that I'm blown away. All it boils down to is we are much more cognizant of how this puzzle is coming together and who is putting everything in place.  Before the update, we both thank all of you for the support and prayers!

Monday was tough for both of us as we dove into the MRI findings, but to stick with the theme, we were with the right folks. Dr. Francis, our general OB in the Woodlands had a very difficult, but perfectly delivered conversation with us about planning. Planning beyond what we imagined.....planning for decisions that we may have to make in difficult situations. It is important to plan before emotions are at a peak, doctors are scrambling around, Leah undergoes surgery, and I watch doctors perform surgery on my wife and son. Based on how the doctors have described the injury to the brain, all ranges of possibility are fully in play. This means that we have to decide how we will handle each scenario. In most pregnancies it isn't much fun trying to imagine......what if we have to have a c-section? what if our doctor isn't delivering the baby? what if I go into labor early?  what if.....

Our conversations are more along the lines of, what are your thoughts on life support? what type of brain surgery should we chose?  should we get Parker circumsized? (ok, we've got that one figured out but you get my drift).  The planning conversation is so important and I wish you could have seen the compassion and sincerity that Dr. Francis has for Leah! We are definitely with the right doctor and she handled the conversation and situation wonderfully. The icing on the cake was having Leah's friend Michele with us. Her support was yet another instance of the right person in the right place at the right time to help us both reflect on what we're experiencing.

Tuesday Leah and I headed down to the Medical Center to meet Dr. Ivey who will be taking over care at 36 weeks and performing the c-section.  He is wonderful!  Dr. Ivey was very comforting, let us know we are working with the best people and gave us comfort in knowing that we can call him or his team at any hour of the day with questions, concerns, curiosities, ect.  He gave us a good idea of what timeline to expect and if everything stays on track (which all of you that have had kids know this is a coin toss) we will be having a c-section around Oct. 5th.

I knew that we'd be in for a roller coaster of emotion, but I wasn't expecting a free fall to start the week. That's the excitement of the ride, you never know what to expect. We had a great evening on Monday hanging out on the couch talking to the rambunctious little kiddo in Leah's belly.  I got to clean the kitchen and do laundary last night, and I'm about to go hangout with Leah when I get done with this tonight.

My thought of the evening is this, some people are praying for a miracle that God will give us a flawless, perfectly healthy baby. That would be awesome, but there are a range of miracles that God may have in store for us that may not encompass the traditional picture of health.

1 comment:

  1. Leah and Dave -- You are an amazing couple, and little Parker is so blessed to have you for parents!! With God at the center of your marriage and your family, your journey will be an example to so many. We are praying for you every day and trusting God to take care of the details. Details such as Dave mentioned -- all the people He is putting in your daily life and the perfect doctors for Leah and the baby. We are sorry to have missed the 30th celebration -- Happy Birthday to you both!! Leah, I was about as pregnant as you are when I turned 30, and now it's easy to remember my age -- all I have to do is add 30 years to Aaron's age and I can figure out mine. (Seems weird but one day you may have to do some tricks to remember your age too :) We are excited for both of you and for Parker, and we are praying for his health, for God's mercy and for peace and joy. We have no doubt that you will be blessed through this, and little Parker is going to be loved so intensely!! Thank you for the updates -- We love you! Aunt Julie (Jackie, Aaron and Nicole too!)
